Newsletter 02/22
Dear SHOM members,
Another month has come to an end and we are already finding ourselves on the beginning of March, time flies. Many of you have used this time to travel again; within the country or abroad to visit family and friends. We hope this trips were enriching in any aspect and we hope you and your loved ones are in good health.
Ankara presents itself in a changing gown, let's hope winter is finally over and spring will arrive soon. It will be the time we can go outdoors and meet each other again more frequently. A lot of interesting SHOM programs and activities are waiting for you - we are looking forward to seeing you all again very soon!
The SHOM Board
SHOM Coffee Morning
Celestina (Paraguay) invites us for the March Coffee Morning Tuesday, 2 March 10h00 Portakal Cicegi Rezidansi, Pak Sok 1/62, Azizziye Mah., Cankaya We are looking forward seeing you again and sharing with you our new projcets and activities! Have you seen the article and the pictures from the last Coffee Morning? Check here
Update from the Charity Group
Thank you to all of you who have sent us a soup recipe from your country for our little collection of "Soups around the World". The booklet will be printed soon and can after be purchaised on our SHOM events. The proceeds go to our new Charity project.
New Charity project of SHOM Ankara
We are happy to announce that the Charity Group has a new project:
Our aim is to raise awareness to support children with autism.
The Charity Group will introduce its new project on the next CM and will give a quick preview on the upcoming events. The whole month of April will be dedicated to raising awareness towards autism.
Update from our Group Activities
After a long break we can finally announce that the SHOM Cooking Group will start again! New Group Coordinator is Hala (Dominican Republic) who invites us to cook - again face-to-face - once a month in her residence's kitchen.
First date is Wednesday, 16 March from 10.00 - 12.00
There is a limited amount of group members. Please check out the SHOM website and/or get in touch with Hala directly.
Upcoming Events and Programs
The "Calendar" section on the SHOM website has been updated. Check out our agneda with SHOM programs, events by our partner Dmedd and cultural activites. Click here.
If you have any suggestions for interesting programs and events, please let us know and we can include them in our agenda.
Agenda Outlook
To celebrate the International Women's Day our partner Dmedd invites us on Monday, 7 March at 11.00 to a film screening of the award-winning documentary "Vendetta Song", written and directed by Eylem Kaftan. The screening will be followed by an interview with the director. Venue is the Turkish Japanese Foundation Cultural Center.
Please inform your attendance to by latest 3 March 2022
We have the chance to visit the Head Quarter of the Yunus Emre Institute, an institution which promotes the Turkish culture and Turkish language all around the world. Germany has the "Goethe Institut", France the "Institut Français" and Turkiye has the "Yunus Emre Institute".
There will be a presentation, a small exhibition and a speech by the director of the Institute, Prof. Dr. Seref Ates.
Wednesday, 9 March, 13h30
Number of attendees is limited, please register by latest Saturday, 5 March.
Save the date: On Saturday, 2 April is International Autism Awareness Day. This will be the official launch of our charity project. During the whole month other programs will follow.
Further info in the next newsletter!