April 14, Coffee Morning - France
Just before the Easter Celebrations we could come together for our April Coffee Morning. Huge thanks to Maria Magro, for making this event happen and hosting us at the beautiful French residence and offering us an impressive art programme.
Sarah welcomes the SHOM members and thanked Maria for hosting this event.
As usual, the meeting starts with some member news.
There were no departures in this month. We would like to welcome the following spouses in our SHOM Ankara community:
Nyugen Thi Thanh Huong from Vietnam
Damiana Perera Calzadilla from Cuba
They could not attend the Coffee Morning but we are looking meeting them on our next events.
Celestina, our responsible for the SHOM Charity Group, presented the new booklet with soup recipies. Thanks to the contribution of many of us, the Charity Group was able to put together a collection of soup recipes from all over the world. The Charity Group sells the booklets for 150 TL. The benefits will go to the Autism Foundation.
The first booklets can be bought right here -- thank you for those who already bought and some and contributed to our charity project!
As communicated the month of April is Autism awareness month and SHOM's charity Group organizes several events.
The upcoming events are:
20 April: Visit at the Autism Foundation Ankara --- the director of the school will guide us, we can see the premises and talk to some parents of autistic children who visit the school.
27 April: Zoom discussion "Learning strategies for children with autism", led by a neuropsychologist spezialized in dislexia and autism. Afterwards there will be the possibility to share experiences and ask questions.
Karin from the Green Group is organizing a Workshop on Bokashi. On 3 different days (Wednesday, 27 April / Thursday, 28 April / Friday, 29 April) the Spouses, together with their cook, gardener and housekeeper, are invited the learn more about the Bokashi method.
Hala from the Cooking Group informed us about the successful start of the revived Cooking Group. two events were already held, both with professional Turkish chefs and an impressive media coverage.
Check here for some impressions.
Sarah infroms the others that she has temporarily taken over the task of the treasurer, as our former treasurer, Larysa Rybak from Belarus, stepped down due to personal reasons. Sarah declares the current balance and calls for a new treasurer.
Everyone who would like to get active in the SHOM Board and to take over the job as SHOM treasurer, can approach Sarah or anyone else in the Board.
The next SHOM meeting will be on Thursday, 12 May, hosted by Hala Hraiz Alam from the Dominican Republic. Please save the date.
Selina explaines that the next "Coffee Morning" will be a special one. Since 2012 each May SHOM organized a so called "Spring Tea", a bigger gathering where the executive Board of DMEDD and other guests are invited.
Due to COVID-19 the Spring Tea could not be held, but now we are very happy to restart this tradition. The invitations for the Spring Tea will soon be sent out.
The June, and therefore last Coffee Morning in this year, will be hosted by Teuta Robo from Albania. The exact date and further information will follow soon.
7. Q & A
Michel raises the question if it would be wise and economic to exchange the current cash into another currency, as the Turkish Lira has a big inflation. The Board will pick up this thought at the next Board Meeting.
That's the end of the official SHOM part and Maria introduces the two ladies who are responsible for the following program, introducing us into the amazing world of Turkish patchwork art.
Elisabeth Strub Madzar lives for many years in Turkey and she discovered the "Parçali Bohça" technique. She decided to use her one way of incoperating fragments of vintage clothes or worn embroderies into her creations.
Nowadays people from all around Turkey bring her vintages clothes for her artworks which can seen in several exhibitions in whole Turkey.
Elisabeth Strub Madzar works long hours on each of her artpieces. When being asked if her creations have a meaning and if they contain any symbols, she smiled and started explaining, touching only the surface of this very dense and complex creations.
Thank you very much, dear Maria for hosting this Coffee Morning and for introducing us to the two impressive artists of Turkish patchwork!